Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Case Against Multitasking

Sure, we want to accomplish a great deal in a short time. It is the nature of our fast-paced world. Many brag of "multi-tasking"——originally a computer term—as being the answer to their problem. More and more research suggests multitasking is the problem.

This infogram from Online provides illustrates the demands we face, the solutions we try, and what multitasking does to our brains.

Digital Stress and Your Brain

Do you see yourself in any of these statistics? What changes can you see yourself making?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dr. Buck. Maria Eschbach from University of South Alabama here again. I really found this blog very interesting when I began to read this I looked up and saw that I had 10 tabs open on my browser. One thing I saw that the infogram does not mention is the effects of television on us as well. It mentions wireless devices, computers, and other electronics but with no mention of television. I wonder what changing the channel after every commercial is doing as well, or the combination of picking up your laptop during the commercial break. Thank you for the post. It was most informative.


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