Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Need a Free Plagiarism Checker?

Plagiarism has been the scourge of English teachers for generations. With the advent of the Internet, the problem of plagiarism has only become worse.

Face it, back in the days when term papers were produced on a typewriter, the plagiarizer had to do a little work. If you were going to lift someone's words, you at least had to go to the trouble of typing them onto your paper. In fact, it was often  just as easy to paraphrase, to combine ideas from multiple sources, and to insert some of your own thoughts as it was to blindly steal word-for-word from another source.

Today, the easiest thing is to copy entire paragraphs or pages from a single source and paste them into ones own paper. With this temptation. what is a teacher to do?

Problems caused by technology often have their solutions with technology. If technology is encouraging plagiarism, let's use technology to solve plagiarism.

A free site called Plagiarisma.Net gives the teacher a way to spot-check student work.Copy and paste a selection from a student's submission into the site and watch the results. You will see URLs for the various pieces of text which were plagiarized.

It's just enough help to the teacher battle the problem a good Google search can cause. It may be just enough to keep students from replying on a cut-and-paste to pass for a term paper.


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