Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Commercials for BlackBery PlayBook 2.0

Last week, BlackBerry released a major software upgrade. Included are native Calendar, Contacts, and E-Mail. Previously, these functions were available on the PlayBook via the BlackBerry Bridge. If you were a BlackBerry user, the PlayBook read these items from your smartphone via a Bluetooth connection.

Having the native Calendar, Contacts, and E-Mail makes the PlayBook more attractive to non-BlackBerry users. The Playbook's ability to integrate Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin information into Contacts is a plus.

Also being released is a new BlackBerry Bridge allowing the user to control the PlayBook with the BlackBerry smartphone. This feature is especially helpful for someone presenting using their PlayBook connected to a large monitor.

Below are two videos which spotlight the new features. The concepts illustrated go by quickly. Once you have a chance to work hands-on with them, you better understand what is happening in them.

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