Monday, December 19, 2011

My Top Four Uses for Vlingo

In November, I posted this information about Vlingo.The best way to describe it to someone who has never heard of it but has been watching the television since the release if iPhone 4S is to say, "It's like Siri." In fact, on December 15 and 16, I posted videos to my Facebook page which provide side-by-side comparisons of Vlingo with Siri. If you would like to visit that page, and hopefully "Like" it while you are there, go to

Here are the top four ways in which I have been using Vlingo that make increase productivity:
  1. Dial phone numbers through voice commands. I push one button and say, "Call John Doe cell phone," and Vlingo places the call.
  2. Compose e-mail by voice. I can push one key and say,"E-mail [person's name]...subject [I speak my desired subject line]...message [I speak the body of the message]." When I stop talking, Vlingo composes the e-mail and presents it to me for verification. If there is mistake, I can use the keyboard to make corrections and send.
  3. Leave myself a reminder. For a couple of years, I have been a heavy reQall user. Vlingo gives me the same capabilities. I press one key, say "Note to self," and speak my reminder. Vlingo composes an e-mail message to me. I can examine it for accuracy before I hit "send." My reminder is there in my e-mail for me to handle as I am handling other e-mail messages.
  4. Performing searches. Pressing one button and saying, "Pizza" returns a list of pizza parlors in my vicinity along with phone numbers. I can perform similar searches for such things as movies. More importantly, I can perform a Google search by voice. I press one button and speak whatever I would normally type into the Google search window. Vlingo returns the Google search results.
I have described four uses; however, there are quite a few more. You can update Facebook or compose a Tweet through voice commands. You can set Vlingo to read new e-mail messages aloud as you are driving. You can also open allocations on your phone through voice commands.

Vlingo is available for BlackBerry, Android,iPhone, Nokia,and Windows Mobile. If you are a BlackBerry user, you will want to grab this app by December 31, while it is being offered for free! It normally sells for $19.99. On your BlackBerry, go to the BlackBerry App World icon and search for "Vlingo."

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