Friday, December 02, 2011

JSU Follow-Up

Welcome to the JSU students that are visiting after the SETS (Special Education Tracking System) training! This post is the perfect example of why I started this blog over 6 years ago...when the face-to-face workshop is over, the contact does not have to be over. The learning does not have to be over. In fact, it may be just beginning.

As we came to the end of our session, I wanted to be able to give you some way to obtain documentation on the SETS program. While all of you took good notes, this documentation will take you beyond what we discussed. The screen shots will further clarify much of yesterday's learning. The following two links will open documents which you can in turn save on your own computers:

SETS Student Desktop

SETS Processes and Forms

While you are here, I invite you to look around at over 6 years worth of posts. If you would like to bring new posts straight to your e-mail, you can subscribe by clicking here.

For those with Twitter accounts, I invite you to follow me on Twitter. For those on Facebook, I hope you will "Like" my Facebook page. (When we reach 200 "Likes," I will be giving away a copy of one of my books.)

Now that you have had an introduction to SETS, I would welcome your thoughts. Feel free to leave me a comment.

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