Monday, December 12, 2011

Email++ for Your BlackBerry

During workshops, I routinely talk about getting e-mail from "In" to "Empty" every day. The practice is made easy though the "drag and drop" feature on Outlook. Much of our e-mail contains information about places we have to be or things we need to do. The ability to get calendar-related e-mail on your calendar and to-do-related e-mail on you to-do list is huge. When you drag an e-mail to the Calendar or Task button, Outlook create an appointment or task, and it includes the entire body of the e-mail in the note section of that appointment or task.

I found an app for the BlackBerry that does the same thing. It is called Email++, and it's the best $4.99 I have spent in quite a while. Reading the instructions will help you as you make your decision to purchase and getting started after you download it.

For me, the best thing is the ability to take an e-mail and put it on the calendar or to-do list.

An added bonus of the app is its ability to identify your "free" time. Let's look at that one. An e-mail is from someone trying to set up a meeting. He wants to know what days and times are available for you. With Email++, you simply click "reply." Select the "Location and Availability" icon. Choose a day and indicate whether your interest is in that day or that week. You will see a list of all of the blocks of time during your workday(s) you are free. With one click, you copy that list. Now you can paste it in an e-mail response and send.

Yes, the icon was called "Location and Availability." If you want to e-mail someone to tell them exactly where you are, the GPS function of your BlackBerry, together with this app, makes the task easy.

You can get this app by clicking BlackBerry App World icon on your phone and searching for "Email++."

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