Wednesday, November 02, 2011

There's an App for That

Commercials are great for leaving us with catchy phrases that remain with us. A generation ago, we had the unforgettable, "Try it, you'll like it" and "I can't believe I ate the whole thing!" One of the memorable ones of late is, "There's an app for that."

The leading makers of smartphones vie for our attention with the apps available for them. This month, I will be presenting my favorite apps for BlackBerry and BlackBerry PlayBook. If I write about an app you already use, let me know what you think about it. Let me know about any features I may be missing. If you use another smartphone, do what I do. When I read about a great app for another smartphone, I look to see if there is a BlackBerry app that does much the same thing. One of the statements often made about BlackBerry is that there are few apps available compared to the Apple and Android. This chart illustrates the disparity.

Only 20, 000 apps, but just how many do you need?

BlackBerry has a mere 20,000 apps written for it, while Apple tops the list at 350,000. But just how many apps do I need anyway? The surprise for me has been how many apps I see promoted in commercials which I later find are also available for the BlackBerry. I must admit, when it comes to putting ones best foot forward, RIM has not been doing such a good job. They make good stuff, but lack in the marketing department. I guess this month is my attempt to help them out a little.

BlackBerry App World
Look for App World icon on your BlackBerry

If you are new to finding and downloading apps, BlackBerry App World is the place to go. Look for the App World icon on your handheld. If may be hidden in a folder, so don't forget to check there. If you don't see one, use your BlackBerry's browser to go here and get it.

First up is Poynt. It provides information about things in your location (if your device has GPS capabilities) or any location you enter:

  • Business- Poynt is like the yellow pages. Enter the name of a business or the type of business ad Poynt provides the information for businesses in your area.
  • People- Poynt is also like the white pages. Enter the name of a person and see the phone number, address, and map to the location for any person in your area with that name.
  • Movies- Tap on the "Movies" icon and see a list of recent releases. You can see where movies are playing, get directions to theaters, view trailers, or read reveiws.
  • Restaurants- See a list of restaurants in your area. Search by cuisine. Read restaurant reviews and get directions. Planning a trip? Enter the zip code and view restaurants there.
  • Gas- When you are looking for a gas station, Poynt shows you locations and prices of all stations in the area.
  • Events- Looking for something to do? Poynt shows a list of events along with ticket information, directions, and available photos.

Poynt is a must-have, and is available for BlackBerry, Android, iPhone, WIndows, and Nokia.To get it for your BlackBerry, click the BlackBerry App World icon on your handheld and search the site for "Poynt." You can also download Poynt on the PlayBook by tapping on the BlackBerry App World icon on your PlayBook and searching for Poynt.

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