Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Drawing on the PlayBook

Need to sketch a diagram or demonstrate how to work a math problem? Using the keyboard just isn't an option. You need to write freehand on the screen. This post illustrates two apps I have downloaded.

Wet Paint

"Wet Paint" is a drawing program for the PlayBook. Tap the pencil or paint brush icons and write on the screen with your finger. Tapping the eraser icon allows you to erase any portion of your creation with your finger. Think of it as a miniature chalkboard. Swipe from the top bezel and you see options to play a game of tic-tac-toe or dots!

On your PlayBook, search BlackBerry App World for "Wet Paint." The app currently has an average rating of 4 1/2 stars. The price is free.

Letter Tracer

This app is great for young children who are learning their letters and numbers. Select from print, cursive, or numbers. The Playbook displays a large, dashed figure the child can trace with a finger. The app is very basic. When I downloaded it, I was hoping it would guide a child with the correct direction of the strokes. Children can often produce an end result which looks correct, yet if you look at the manner in which they arrived it, you see some bad habits forming. This app does not address that sort of thing, but its still a nice tool for little ones.

On your PlayBook, search BlackBerry App World for "Letter Tracer." The cost is 99 cents.

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