Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Called to Be Exceptional"

Thanks to everyone who came to one or more of my sessions yesterday. You were an exceptional group. I am glad you took the time to visit this post. We covered a great deal of ground in a short amount of time, so this post gives us the chance to step back, catch our breath, and decide how to move forward from here.

Southern Division Teachers' Conference 2011
If you were in one of the sessions, this photo is a practical example of its use. I snapped the photo on my smartphone yesterday morning. I used Dropbox on my phone to upload the photo "into the cloud." That meant when I got back to the hotel and booted my laptop, there was the photo in the "My Dropbox" folder on my laptop. No flash drive, no cables!

Sunday night I made a few little changes to my presentations. No need to remember to make those same changes on the presentation back home on my desktop computer. Because I had saved the presentations in My Dropbox, the changes I made here in Louisiana have already been made on my computer back in Alabama.

To sign up for your own Dropbox account, click here. This link will also both you and me 250MB of additional storage!

Once you have created your iGoogle page and want to start adding gadgets, this post will give you a list of ideas. Each is a clickable link and will let you easily add any of the gadgets to your own iGoogle page.

Digital handouts from each session are available on the Free Resources page of my website.Remember the password which will be required to open each one. You will notice clickable links in the handouts, so you will probably want to save them to your computer rather than print them out.

Handling Multiple Projects
We were unable to get to the section on handling multiple projects. That's the beauty of the blog, and the very reason it was created over six years ago..so that when the workshop is over, the contact and the learning can just be beginning. Click here for a document explaining the concepts for handling multiple projects. There is a password, and it is the same password as what you used for the other handouts.

Drawing for Organization Made Easy
Congratulations to Lonnie Jones, who was the winner in the drawing for a free copy of Organization Made Easy!:Tools for Today's Teachers.

Staying in Contact
If you gave me your e-mail address, you should receive something by this weekend. School servers sometimes block e-mails, so if you run into a problem, you can always subscribe with a different e-mail address. On the sidebar, you see a button where anyone can click and sign up for this free newsletter.

Are you are Twitter? You will find me @DrFrankBuck.
Are you on Facebook? This is your invitation to "Like" my Facebook page.

Thanks again for being such an exceptional group!

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