Friday, September 02, 2011

Organization Starts Early

Foyer at Raymond L. Young

Good organization pays off at any age. It starts with developing the habit of writing down the things you have to do, and having one tool that holds everything you write. That was the message delivered to 4th, 5th, and 6th graders at Raymond L. Young Elementary School. Like many schools, the students have planners supplied by the school. Unlike many schools, the faculty realizes the importance of devoting time to how to use them effectively.

A packet of letters arrived in my mailbox, and here are some of the things students had to say:
  • You gave me a lot of information and inspiration to make my life and my parent's lives a lot more organized.
  • When I got home Friday, I got organized ASAP!
  • I never thought you could stay so organized when you have so much to remember.
  • My favorite part was when you told us we could write non-school things in our planner.
  • I used to put school stuff in my planner. Now I put birthdays, holidays, when we're out of school, and lots of other stuff in there.
  • Finally I cleaned up my room and closet and that's very unlike me. I also cleaned out my drawers and found out that's why I couldn't find my clothes.
  • I'm writing down everything I need to know. I'm forgetting less now so that's a good sign. Life is certainly easier!
  • School is a lot easier when you are organized.
A thank-you gift

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