Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Importance of Being "On Time"

I have posted before on the book The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence written by Tom Peters. On page 363, he talks about the subject of punctuality:

A "couple of minutes" late is... late. Five minutes late is... late. One-point-three minutes late is... late.
Late is... Late. "Better late than never"? Never. Period.
Early is not late.
Early is respect.
Early = "I care."
It matters.
Arriving early for a meeting is not a sign that you are "anxious." It’s a sign that you are ... PUNCTUAL.
Late is rude.
George Washington was never late.


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    It happens all the time with me. I needed this reminder. I usually get caught in the "just one more thing" cycle and then I look at the clock and I have 5 minutes to get to an appointment 20 minutes away.
    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Thanks for stopping by. I think the “just one more thing“ syndrome is something that hits us all from time to time. I find if I take something with me, I tend to leave earlier so that I will have time to work on whatever I brought.


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