Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Meetzi Helps Organize Meetings and Keep Them on Schedule

We know that a meeting should have a purpose.We know we should prepare an agenda and distribute it before a meeting. We know we should stick to that agenda.

With all of that knowledge, why are there still so many bad meetings? What can we do about it?

Meetzi is a free online tool that can help. Prior to the meeting, Meetzi allows you to do each of the following:
  1. Define the purpose of the meeting
  2. Build the agenda including the person responsible for each item and time allowed
  3. Invite the meeting attendees
  4. Attach documents to the meeting invitation
  5. Establish a dollar per hour value so that you can see how much the meeting is actually costing in terms of people's time

During the meeting, Meetzi does each of the following:
  1. Displays the agenda, complete with the presenter for each topic and allotted time
  2. Keeps up with the time so that you can see if you are on schedule

After the meeting, Meetzi allows you to send notes to all meeting attendees. Not bad for a free resource. Give Meetzi a try!

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