Friday, June 24, 2011

A Tech Support Care Package

I couldn't help laughing when a friend shared this site with me. After laughing, however, I added it to my bookmarks, and for a very good reason. When it comes to technology, holes in the knowledge base of a vast number of people occur at fairly low levels. Regardless of where we are on the continuum, we are either needing to plug our own holes or help people we care about get up to speed with technology. Either way, we are going to need good resources that make concepts easy to understand. That's why I bookmarked

To use the site, you complete a "form" that is guaranteed to make you smile:

Click "Preview," and it you like what you see, e-mail it to your mom, dad, aunt, uncle...well, you get the idea. Here is what they see:

The videos are short and easy to digest. In all, there are 52 videos in the collection. They include "copy and paste," but they also include topics that even fairly tech savvy folks may not know.

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