Wednesday, June 08, 2011

More on Food Safety

In the last post, we talked about Still Tasty. It's hard to find a more user-friendly guide as to what to keep and what to toss than what you find there. If you liked that one, you will probably also like Shelf Life Advice.

At the glance, Shelf Life Advice is more extensive.Still Tasty provides a more instant and concise answer. But that's just after a cursory comparison. I would welcome comments from others who have more expertise than I. What do you think about the two sites? Which do you prefer?


  1. Hello! Well, I tried them both with the same products (fruits, pasta, beef and so on), and what I gather "Still Tasty" is a tad better in the sense that it gives you exactly the information you want when you have a given product in your hand (about to take it out of the fridge or just about to store it) and you would like to know if it's still edible. (Like whether aunt Edna's Thanksgiving pumpkin pie is still good on Christmas.)

    However if you are a very curious person or prone to ask why, why, why, Shelf Life is good because it tells you which signs look up for - though not extensively enough (in the case of pasta it never mentions what to do when the smell of it changes).

    For the general to-the-point people, Still Tasty is better without question.

    No, I'm not an expert, I'm a user. Hope my comment is of some help for you.

  2. Thanks for the input! I was glad to find both sites. Like you, I found Still Tasty to give me the quick answer to a quick question.


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