Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Instant Grader--Final Project for Online Course

This post is primarily for the benefit of those who, along with me, took an online course entitled "Using Google to Become a 21st Century Administrator." The "final project" of the class involves implementation of what was learned in the course and a presentation of that learning. This video outlines the problem addressed and the solution I created using Google Docs.

Now that you have watched the video, how about taking the Instant Grader for a test drive?

Hitting "Enter" will submit the test for grading. Also, scrolling to the bottom of the screen and clicking "Submit" ends the test.

Use the two tabs at the bottom of the screen you see to examine both the raw data and the graded test.

So, what do you think?


  1. Eye on Education posted a link to this entry on Twitter. One person replied, "This is what I fear. Make this kind of grading digi is an incent to do more teaching that is graded like this."

    I think he is right that we do have too many multiple choice tests already. But is making them cumbersome to grade the answer to the problem? Or, is it better for the principal and faculty to address the larger issue of best assessment practices.

    What do you think?

  2. Excellent video and love your example. The only thing I didn't like was missing one of the questions. That is exactly how kids feel. They want to know NOW how they did on an exam.

    Your tool can give them instant feedback without the BIG price tag. Especially good information at this time of proration and dwindling funding. WAY TO GO!!

  3. Thanks Pattie! You hit the nail on the head. Instant feedback without the price tag. The feedback can be as instant as the teacher would like. With the spreadsheet pulled up on his/her computer, the teacher will see each student's response as soon as that student hits submit. The student can go to the teachers desk right then and be told how they did and even which ones they missed.


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