Monday, March 28, 2011

Data That Matters

Do you find yourself drowning in data yet starved for meaning? Do you have filing cabinets filled with data, yet you are at a loss as to how to organize and communicate what the data is showing? If you are coming to Tampa this April, you can get some help!

“Data That Matters” provides a single, specially-formatted spreadsheet into which schools can enter and track all group or individual data. You will be able to see at a glance past performance, current performance, goals, and the degree to which the school is accomplishing its goals.

Join me for “Data That Matters: Using a Balanced Scorecard to Summarize and Organize Data” and learn the following:
  • The purpose of a balanced scorecard.
  • The types of data which can be tracked using a balanced scorecard.
  • The difference between leading and lagging indicators.
  • How to set and record student achievement goals.
  • A variety of uses for the balanced scorecard throughout the year.
  • How to download and begin using the balanced scorecard.
  • How to use the balanced scorecard as the centerpiece of a strategic plan.

This session will be held on Saturday, April 9 starting at 4:15. 
Hope to see you there!

NAESP has selected this session to be recorded
and made available to all attendees.


  1. This data looks familiar......great idea and tool!

  2. ...and the slide of the dog with goggles and wings will probably look familiar too! Yes, it's such a simple tool, and I am looking forward to sharing it with lots of people.


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