Saturday, July 17, 2010

SDE Conference in Las Vegas

For those attending the SDE Differentiated Instruction Conference, I invite you to attend three sessions I will be presenting:

Get Organized!: Time Management for School Leaders     8:50-10:05
In this workshop, we will examine the five keys necessary for an organizational and time management system.

5 Habits to Help Students Get Their Act Together     10:35-11:50
We have the opportunity to go beyond personal and professional organization. We have the opportunity to give the gift of organization to our students. This workshop examines how.

Your Own Blog in 10 Minutes or Less     1:15-2:45
Blogs are easy, free, and a great way to get your message out to other people. Learn what they are all about and how you can create your own.


  1. Andrea Sande9:24 PM

    I was in your organization session yesterday. It was excellent. Came back to work today and set up my tickler file! I also moved all my messy (and vague) to-do lists into my ical program and sync'd it to my Blacberry. Progress!!! Thanks for a very clear and applicable session. I'm excited to keep making the ideas come to life for me!!

  2. Andrea,

    Thanks for coming to the workshop and for this kind comment. I do work really hard to make everything practical so that it can make a difference for people immediately.


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