Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Success Story

I received this from a participant in a recent Get Organized! workshop:

Dear Frank,
I recently purchased a Day-Timer as my signature tool. Now I don't go anywhere without it; I use it all the time. My family is currently going through a major bathroom remodel. Keeping up with the carpenter, electrician, tile people, and plumber has been made easy with the handy Day-Timer. I keep daily notes and jot down all of my appointments. It's also convenient to have a small phone directory at hand. The Day-Timer also has calendars through 2014! So many times, my co-workers and I would be looking for a calendar. From now on, I am taking my "signature tool" to all meetings.
I plan to make my tickler file before school begins. Right now I'm focusing on completing the bathroom remodel.
Thanks for all of the wonderful, useful ideas!

The signature tool is something that works, as this teacher illustrates. Having one tool that keeps it all in front of us makes life easier!

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