Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cell Phones in Schools

Mention "cell phone" and "school" in the same sentence while in a room full of principals, and you get the same effect as fingernails on a chalkboard. The harder we try to devise ways to keep cell phones out of schools, the more ways kids find to bring them in. I don't think that one is likely to change.

Do cell phones have a place in schools? The quick answer for many is "no." After all, why do kids need to make phone calls while in school? And we all know that making a phone call is all a cell phone can do, right?

Vicki Davis is noted nationally for her creative work in technology education. This post from her blog is a must-read. She realizes that kids are going to have cell phones and makes the choice to teach them how to use them as productivity tools.


  1. Frank,
    I agree with Vicki Davis, and I have written numerous posts about this topic. Please give them a look on my blog.

    This link will take you there:

    I would be interested in your opinions. This is an issue that is not going to go away, especially as cell phones become more sophisticated and powerful.

  2. Some people feel the same about calculators.


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