Monday, June 08, 2009

Follow-Up from "Your Own Blog in 10 Minutes of Less"

This post is written for those who participated in "Your Own Blog in 10 Minutes or Less" through VAETC (Virtual Alabama Educational Technology Conference).

These are the sample blogs that we viewed:
The site we used to create customized title banners and other images is

For instructions on how to remove the Blogger navigation bar, click here.

Do you know of other examples that would benefit teachers who are interested in using a blog in their classes? If you do, please leave a comment.

This Friday, I am offering "Managing Digital Data With Ease" from 11:00-12:00 through VAETC. Search the PD Catalog for

If you are in the Jacksonville State University Regional In-Service Center area, there are still seats left for "Get Organized! Time Management for School Leaders." Click here for free registration. The in-service center is providing copies of the book free to all participants!

For those in the University of Montevallo Regional In-Service Center area, join me for "Your Own Blog in 10 Minutes or Less," a half-day version of "Get Organized! Time Management for School Leaders" and a half-day session on "Get Organized With Your BlackBerry." Further information is located here.

I hope that you will check back here often!

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