Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thanks for Mentioning Me!

It's a nice feeling to know that your work makes a difference. I ran across two posts, both from people I never met.

In Living La Vida Normal, the author talks about books that she has read. She and her husband are reading Get Organized! by section.

On the LeaderTalk blog, Jan Borelli asked for suggestions for a list of "must read" books for principals and aspiring principals. Charlie Roy included me in his list of five authors. The most humbling thing was the other people he included in the list:

  • Malcolm Gladwell: Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers
  • Jim Collins: Good to Great
  • Frank Buck: Get Organized- Time Management for School Leaders
  • David Allen: Getting Things Done
  • Dan Pink: Whole New Mind

I certainly would not pretend that my name belongs in the same sentence with the other four, but it certainly is great to know that what I do is seen as needed.

Ironically, Jan Borelli was one of the reviewers of my book. Her comments on the book as it was being written and the supportive things she has said and done afterwards are greatly appreciated. I subscribe to Dr. Jan's Blog. Probably my favorite post is one that she posted almost exactly one year ago. To read the way that post spoke to me, and to read Jan's post, click here.


  1. No problem! I actually found you through a Yahoo group that we both belong to. I suggested the book to my husband and he purchased it about a year ago. He is re-reading it again, and this time I am reading it with him so I can support his organizing efforts.

    Thanks for the link!
    Gabriela ~ Mrs. Bubba

    By the way, my husband was wondering if there is a way he can subscribe to your blog by e-mail, he doesn't use an RSS reader.

  2. It's a small world. Some very productive projects for me have started with nothing more than happening upon someone's comment or post in a discussion group.

    As a result of your asking about an e-mail option for subscribing, I read up on how to do this through Feedburner, and think I have it figured out. There is a link on the right-hand side of the blog just under the picture of the book cover that will allow you to do just that.


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