Monday, August 25, 2008

Jott Express

I have received a couple of comments since my post on Jott. In particular, a reader encouraged me to look at Jott Express, which is a free feature. Jott Express functions as a "to-do" list on your desktop. From your cell phone (or any phone), you can speak messages to yourself which will be transcribed into text on Jott Express.

You can go here to see a short video about Jott Express and download it to your desktop.

I did download it and found it to be extremely easy to use. I do not foresee using it personally simply because it gives me one additional place to look for my tasks. With my current system, all papers requiring my attention are in my tickler file. All things digital which require my attention are in Outlook. All of my RSS feeds dump into Outlook. I want to voice reminders to wind up in my Outlook e-mail as well.

That being said, for the person who does not have a fully-developed system, Jott Express may just be the thing.

We all know people who have Post-It notes scattered all over creation and are already having to look in far too many places to find what they have written. Jott Express allows the person to speak into the cell phone, which most people have with them all the time, and have it all wind up in one place. Jott Express could well be "just what the doctor ordered" for the person who is overwhelmed and needs some type of system.


  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Hi, thanks for the kind words! My name is Jon Bell and I'm the developer of Jott Express.

    I appreciate your taking another look, because we do have some cool free products like Jott Express and our iPhone app.

    And for what it's worth, we also have an Outlook plugin, although that's in our Pro package.

    Thanks again for the mention. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on making the app better. It doesn't sound like it's your cup of tea but we're always listening if you have ideas.


  2. Jon,

    Thanks for stopping by! There are plenty of people out there looking for a system, and I have learned that needs and tastes differ when it comes to organizational tools. If Jott Express will make life easier for some folks (and I know it will), I am more than happy share what I know about it.

    Thanks for all you have done to develop this product!


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