Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Workshops for AETC June 28-29

I will be presenting 4 workshops at the Alabama Educational Technology Conference next week in Birmingham. Workshops, times, and locations are as follows:

June 28 3:30
It’s About Time for Technology (East Hall Room K/L)
This workshop explores organizing your computer, a simple way to back up documents, using e-mail effectively, and numerous time-management techniques which involve using the computer.

June 29 12:30
Your Own Blog in 10 Minutes or Less (East Hall Room A/B/C)
I will create a blog from scratch so that participants will be able to go home and do the same. Participants will see examples of the blogs I have created this one, GrahamSchool.blogspot.com, and GrahamStaff.blogspot.com). Finally, I will talk about issues such as how to handle comments and how to keep people who view your blog from being one click away from seeing inappropriate material.

June 29 1:45
Paper or Palm (East Hall Room A/B/C)
This workshop is designed for the person thinking about using a digital organizer or who has limited experience. We look at the basic features of the Palm, examine the Palm Desktop and Outlook, and give some basic strategies for organizing your life.

June 29 3:00
PDA Productivity
(East Hall Room A/B/C)
Want to get more done and make it look easy? This workshop is designed for the person who has a Palm (or other handheld organizer). In fact, the handout for this workshop exists only digitally. I beam the handout to the first arrivals. They, in turn, beam it to others who enter the room. We explore strategies for using the Palm as a powerful tool to organize your life.


  1. The comment written after the magazine article was supposed to be posted here. Sorry! I clicked on the wrong spot. Wish I could blame it on the computer, but unfortunately, I cannot!

  2. Thanks for coming to the workshop! I try to keep things nuts-and-bolts so that you can implement what you hear in the workshop. I appreciate the kind words!


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