Thursday, June 29, 2006

Handling Blog Comments & Removing the Blogger Navigation Bar, Icon

If you attended "Your Own Blog in 10 Minutes or Less, " please go the November 2005 link in the archives and read the posts from November 16 and November 20. You will see a review of my suggestions for handling comments. You will also see instructions for how to remove the Blogger Navigation Bar and Blogger Icon. This way, students will not be able to click on the "Next Blog" link and possibly see objectionable material.


  1. Dr. Buck: I've gone to the Nov. 2005 blog, and in the directions for removing the "next blog" button, some words are missing. It only says,"...find the line that says: in the Word document you saved." Isn't there supposed to be something after the colon? I'm anxious to get this resolved. Thanks and really enjoyed the session and am excited about blogging!!

  2. I have gone back and reworded that post so that the missing words now appear. (What happened was that when I enclosed "body" or "embed" between the < > signs, the words did not appear in the post. I guess I learn something every day. Thanks for coming to the workshop and welcome to the world of blogging.

  3. Worked Great!! I'm really excited and hope to convince our IT people that it's going to be ok!!!! thanks again!!

  4. Sorry to bug you, but now I've got another problem. When I click the "About Me" link, the blogger icon comes up on that page and it will redirect back to the original blogger site. Any suggestions? I checked yours, and it does it on your page too. I guess we could take out that part of the page. Help please!

  5. I think I've got it! In your template , there is a line of code that says: $BlogMemberProfile$ and it is enclosed in the < > signs. Highlight and delete that one line. What that did was eliminated the profile entirely from the page. If you wanted to have a profile to introduce yourself, you could simply do a post (and even include a photo) as one of your initial posts.

  6. P.S. That line of code is towards the bottom of the template. The quickest thing to do would be highlight the whole template, open a new Word document and paste. You could then use the "find" command to go right to that line.


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