Monday, June 20, 2005

JSU Inservice Center Workshop

If you attended "It's About Time" at JSU, welcome and thanks for visiting this blog. Also, if you went to one of my workshops at AETC last week, I am glad that you are visiting. We covered a great deal of ground today.

The best place to begin is to invite you to read the articles I have already posted starting with "Choosing a Capture Tool." Please feel free to add comments, let me know in what areas you would like me to go into more depth, etc. Again, the idea is to make today so much more than a "one-shot workshop."

The master thinker knows that ideas are elusive and often quickly forgotten, so he traps them with notebook and pencil. He heeds the Chinese proverb: “The strongest mind is weaker than the palest ink.”
--Wilferd A. Peterson in The Art of Living

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