Sunday, January 09, 2005

The Categories on My Palm Task List

These are the categories I have in my Palm task list:
  • Building--This category houses all of the tasks that I need to accomplish when I leave the school office and go out into the building. These include reminders to check on maintenance problems, talk with the custodian in the hallway, visit with the child nutrition program manager, stop by a teacher's room.
  • Calls--Here I will find a complete list f all of the phone calls I need to make.
  • Delegated--This category holds a list of what I am expecting from other people. When I place an order with a company, an entry in this category reminds me of what I ordered, the order number, and who I placed the order with. When someone borrows a book, I make a note of it here. When I delegate a task to a teacher in my school, I track it here.
  • Errands--I will spend less time running errands if I "batch" them. This category provides a place to collect all of those errands. When I decide I want to run errands, I have a complete list.
  • Home--This category is obvious. When I arrive at home, I see a complete list of all of the tasks I need to accomplish at home.
  • Office--When I am in my office, I look here for a complete list of what I need to be doing.
The idea is that these categories allow me to see a list of what I can do right where I am at that time. By the same token, when I am not in that location, that list is out of sight. While it is important to see a list of what I can be doing at home when I walk in the front door, it is equally important that when I am not at home, that list is not in front of me since I cannot do anything about those items anyway.

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